Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 5 -The Day The Bomb Dropped & Jon Schmidt

Here we go! I woke up at 5:55am and Dallin wasn't up yet. I got him up and laid on the couch until I had to get the other kids up at 6:30.
Brookly was running late and had to skip making a lunch- that's why we put money in their account at school- and we had to come back after we left because she forgot her homework. I did another load of laundry and bathed Ben and did dishes. Yes, Thursday is my day to load and I didn't have time so I got to do them this morning:) I took a picture and sent it to Wes of Ben in his Daddy's My Hero shirt. Wes is my hero too. I'm going to get ready and Ben and I will attempt Walmart.
Left for Walmart at 10am and got home around 1pm. Yes, it takes about 3 hours every two weeks and I still need to go to the farmer's market and Costco for milk and meat and laundry soap:) I forgot to use my coupons but did ad match:) I admit, this time was a little longer because we had to figure out Jarom's birthday treats and school secret Santa for Ben and find a frame for our new family picture... always so much to shop for.
During our trip to Walmart, Wes texted me and I felt like I'd been hit by a truck.
Here's the email he was sent this morning from his boss.

Wes -

Hope you are having fun at VAFB. After RPP the plan is to have you come
back and work for me on Tacsat4. We are supposed to ship to Kodiak 2/14 and
start the field campaign first week in March. This is a lot of travel for
you, think it through and let me know how that sits with you and your
family. We're trying to get everyone assigned to multiple missions to
spread the wealth.

Jack Farrell
Orbital Sciences Corp
Launch Systems Group

In other words, here's your next assignment or it will be hard to have a job for you. I didn't see another option worked in there. Jack has a family but doesn't seem to mind staying for long weeks "in the field". He makes Wes stay extra days almost every time he's with him. I am so torn! I am very grateful for a job and it is actually extra pay when you are in the field longer than 14 days, but he'll be gone for long weeks at a time and home a few short days in between. I broke into tears in Walmart and there's no one here to cry on. I just don't know how I'll be a single mom for so long at a time. I am worried about how this is affecting our children and me. They cry to me at night that they miss Daddy and it's only been a week! I do feel more strength this time and am trying to read scriptures and keep family prayers and scriptures going so I feel better able to handle this. I just don't know if I can do it for so long...
When it rains, it pours right? Wes called when I got home to tell me they changed his schedule so he goes out for 10 days on Jan. 2nd not just 5 days, home 3, then out 2. If they won't send him home on weekends from CA I'm afraid of what that means for Alaska. OK, how much can I take in one day? Please let him come home before you tell him any more time away! You know, this wouldn't be so hard if I didn't love him so much! I am grateful he is healthy and able to come home when work lets him. I always thought I could never send him to Alaska because of the extreme cold and time away. Well, he's at least going to a warmer launch site and won't need the whole new wardrobe.
On the way home from Walmart Ben announced that, "I need a nap." He didn't take one but I could use one as well!
Ben is watching Backyardigans on Netflix (heaven sent) while I try to pull myself together for the rest of this busy day. I hope he behaves himself. I did stock up on Mentos and Starburst. Couldn't find lifesavers at checkout.
I chatted with Adrian about my new calling and then went to get the kids. They are in such a sour mood! Brookly didn't get the part of Belle in the play, she got the footrest, a dog. Jarom didn't get Chip, he got a part he doesn't even know the name of and Chip is a girl and Gaston is a girl who got the part. Crazy! Brookly is stomping around and says she doesn't even want to do it now. Oh joy! I thought the day couldn't get much worse. I told the kids about Wes going to Alaska and after a good cry with Brookly she seemed to perk up. I picked up Josh from Smith and then made pizza and garlic/lemon salad for dinner.
We got dressed up and left for the concert at 6pm. We met Vicki and Verle and got Calli from them to go with us. We gave her Wes's ticket. It was so much fun to have her with Brookly! The concert was phenomenal! If you've never seen Jon Schmidt in concert with Stephen Nelson, the cellist, you are missing out! They were amazing! Jon did a song for his sister who died when he was 19, called up a guy from the audience to play jazz with him, (Kevin was incredible and so it was the coolest song of improv) he even did dumb song by request and lots of beautiful Christmas songs. He did Lovestory meets Viva la Vida like the youtube video! What a wonderful way to spend the night and lighten our mood for the holidays! Of course the night wasn't without an adventure for Ben - what did you expect when he didn't get that nap he knew he needed:) Almost as soon as it started Ben said he wanted to go home, loudly. Remember this is a 3 hour concert. He was done and tired. He didn't like the fruity Mentos and ate half the minty ones before we discovered Starburst worked for a little while. He would watch the concert for a bit and then complain again. He couldn't sit still and got up and down. Finally at intermission we got a pillow from the car and made him lay down across Josh and I and then moved him to the floor where he fell asleep. Brennen caught a ball that Jon threw during Intermission. Just so much fun! What an awesome show! He is truly gifted and inspiring! I just wish Wes could have seen it with us. We took Calli home and it's 11:12pm. The kids fell into bed. They all commented that they loved it and even Josh said it was worth missing the Scout campout. I love doing things like this together for the memories it makes.

1 comment:

Lynnette said...

I'm Sorry!! I know how hard it has been for you to have Wes gone. I'm sure it is devastating to think of having him gone even more. I hope things work out for you! I know you are grateful for the job, but this isn't ideal in any sense of the word. Hang in there!