Sunday, December 7, 2008

First Friday in December

Ben enjoyed climbing this tree by the snow!
Jar loved the snow and stayed at the top of the heap!
Was it really cold enough for this coat when it's 67 degrees outside? What a fun time Ben had in the snow pile for big kids! He wouldn't stay in the little kids mound. Ice in hand - watch out!Brennen is ready and that better not be aimed at me! Josh, like the others had freezing hands and had a ball!
Brookly kept up and enjoyed her Girl Scout friends there.

Dallin pegged the mean boys who were throwing chunks at little kids. 3 of my 6 kids came crying they were hit in the face and yet they went back for more!
I love the holiday season but it gets a little crazy around here! Wes had to work late and so I attempted the 3 events on my own. First we ventured to the snow play at the gazebo outside city hall, then to Brinton Elementary for pictures with Santa, then hurried to the Main Street Light Parade. The parade was only 20 minutes and we watched it go down the other side to last longer. Wow, a whirlwind of fun! The kids held up great, but I'm not so sure I did.
Brennen has faith in Santa's toys.Brookly Believes.

Ben Believes!

Such innocence and sweetness! He told Santa he wants cars.

Have the Gardner kids been naughty or nice? Depends on the day and who you ask! :)

Jarom is a true believer!

Here we are at the Light Parade.

All I can say is HERE WE GO! This week brings 3 concerts (which we've invited an elderly lady in our ward to attend, since I thought we'd be open for FHE and forgot about the concert), a baby shower, Ward Christnas party, Nutcracker fieldtrip for school, Jarom's Birthday fun and family time together for him! We did squeeze in Tithing Settlement today. Crazy busy time of year! Love the family things together!

Added just today from church: Since Wes, Brennen, Brookly and I sing in the Ward Choir when possible we were asked to sing next Sunday with our ward choir for the Stake Musical Celebration. This is a beautiful tradition that we first went to last year when Brennen, Brookly and Josh, were asked to play Joseph, Mary and the Shepherd. Can one more thing be squeezed in? We did love our time together tonight with our story "Teach the Children" about the true meaning of the symbols of Christmas after the 1st Presidency Devotional. Ben held the different ornaments and loved being the show and tell. Precious moments! Even a moment of peace between siblings for the duration of our family council.

Being as this was Fast Sunday, Brennen and Brookly wanted me to go up with them to bear my testimony so they could. I didn't want to but they insisted and once up there I felt I was supposed to. Anyway, we were fasting to know what direction to take with Wes's job and career goals. With some emotional things that happened this week we realize that the Lord is watching over us and He knows what's best for us right now. We feel it is time for Wes to pursue his Master's Degree from Embry/Riddle an Aerospace University. This would help him in promotions and in knowledge for someday owning his own business which is still his dream. For 2 years we will be committed to this program. It has been a long time coming and last time he tried he was called as Bishop. We feel it is the right time now. At the end to celebrate we have promised our children the ever elusive for us, trip to Disneyland. Only Dallin and Josh have ever been and they are excited about this thought. We'll see how this goes! I love Wes and know this is in his heart to finish and will support him with all my heart and strength!

Roll out the Red Carpet!

The kids loved rolling around on the carpet! Ben was the first one on it! The color was perfect!
Wes and I both love the color red and I am starting to accent our Family Room with red. I used the money from my birthday, OK, I admit it's also my Christmas present, and bought a giant red rug for our Family Room. I love it and every day am reminded how much I am loved!

Our Silly Mountain Hike

Just amazing scenery!

So beautiful from the back of the mountain!
The crew was so much faster than me. It got pretty steep at the end and while I climbed they were long at the top.
On the way up Ben walked for a while but needed guided by his big brother, Dallin. A stop, waiting for Mom.We did make it to the top and came down a much faster way than we found up!Brennen at the top.
Josh on one of the peaks. Jarom at the top.
Brookly on the way up.
Aren't they cute?! Ben was Daddy's backpack buddy!
Little did we know that our little Silly Mountain hike would become an adventure and quite a trek for me! We decided to hike Friday after Thanksgiving and had a friend, Sunny Gray, come with us. When we got there we could tell some things had changed since the last time we hiked. Instead of going straight up quickly, it is now all under conservation and reseeding so we chose a trail we thought would get us there. We hiked around the back of the mountain and I was pretty tired. I'm the one who needed breaks, not any of the children. It was a beautiful day and a break in the rain we had for Thanksgiving so we were glad to be outside. The kids loved it and boy did they all sleep well that night. I love the beauty of nature that God has given us! I love watching the sunsets and being aware of what's happening outside.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving Turkeys!

Brookly begged to hold Carson the whole time Sheppards's were here. Sweet Aunt Julie

The boy cousins unite!

Sweet girls - Kate and Elise

Love the Charlie Brown special set up.
What a wonderful time we had with cousins and family here for Thanksgiving! We played and ate, and ate and ate. The food was delicious and Lynnette's roll recipe wins again!
We have so much to be grateful for! I often look at where I'm at and think of all the places I wouldn't want to be and am amazed at how blessed I am! I know our Heavenly Father only gives us what we can handle. I feel that my greatest blessings are the family I have and the friends I get to associate with every day.
Hope you have a Happy Turkey Day!

Note to Self: More chocolate pie if I want any leftovers next year!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My 35th Birthday!

November 16th, 2008

I feel so loved! That is my best memory of turning 35 years old! My family and friends spoiled me! I had "Girls Time" with my dear friends and an unexpected Deseret Book gift card after already getting unmentionables, Time Out for Couples (where we saw the Malan's), lunch out with a long time friend, dinner with my sweetheart at Anzio Landing (very romantic!), Coldstone, sweet gifts from my children, cheesecake from other dear friends and I just felt so loved for 2 weeks I got to celebrate. It was spread out because of life being so busy and Andrew's Homecoming. What fun! Thanks for making me feel so special! I don't mind being 35 when I feel so young.
With turning 35 I want to reflect on where I am at right now. I love my new attitude of learning to take care of myself a bit. I walk at the track when possible and am trying to eat more healthy. I'm following things I learned at Weight Watchers before Ben was born and hope to find myself healthier and a little less of me by next year. :) I must say though that I'm not ashamed of my 7 pregnancy body, just ready to do something about it and just decided to finally take time to pull it back in shape. There are days I want to cry about lost smaller sizes and then all I have to do is watch Ben for a while and it is all worth it. I'm learning to love the skin I'm in and enjoy the amazing things my body has allowed me to do. My back pain and occasional anxiety reminds me how fragile the line is and I am amazed at all my Mom has done with her chronic pain. I want to have many healthy years to play with my kids and watch them grow! They are so precious to me!
I feel so blessed to have the love and support of the most incredible man I've ever known. Wes is my rock and in him I see all that I want to become. Together we will be forever!
I am blessed!
I love my life!
I love my sweetheart and children!
I love my extended family and friends!

Andrew's Homecoming

Ben pulled Grandpa over to the piano for the kids to run while Grandpa plays! Andrew with Vicki and Verle
Proud Grandma!

Andrew, friend, and Grandpa

November 16, 2008 - Yes, also my 35th Birthday!

Andrew Buckpitt, our nephew served in Australia for 2 years as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He spoke in church and gave a great talk. We are proud of him and glad he's home!

Brookly's a Cheerleader!

Brookly has begged to do cheer for years and I have been hesitant but this year it worked out for a hour after school twice a week. She was so cute performing at this volleyball game! I hope this gets it out of her system. We are encouraging Chorus right now:)

Veteran's Day!

November 11, 2008
We started at Brookly's Brownie Troop in the Apache Junction parade. Wes had Josh at home to make it to Dallin's Skyline Band in the Mesa parade. We didn't know that AJ would finish in time to see both! What a fun family day - we were sad that Wes had to leave to go to work before Dallin marched by but we had been there 2 hours already! He ran up the parade route to say hi to Dallin and they hadn't even started on the route yet.
What a fun Troop 216! Ben and I even walked it with the stroller.
Ben loved all the candy!
What a ham! He played peek a boo with this flag!

We are a patriotic bunch!
Waiting hours for Dallin to come by! We've never seen such a parade! Neither has anyone else since they left after about half! We stayed until the end! Wes was there most of the time!
Daddy, I want to see!
There he is, our Star Trumpeter!

We are so blessed to have so many veterans in our family! We have soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War, WWI, WWII, members of Mormon Battalion, and even a bodyguard to Joseph Smith. What a legacy of faith in our nation no matter what! In light of our recent elections we just keep praying and have faith God will protect those who are righteous and serve Him. We are proud of our cousin, Shawn Frost, currently serving in Afghanistan and of our cousin TJ leaving for Baghdad Feb. 10th.