Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Chaos Catch Up

So many pictures and things to catch up on! Just wanted to write down the chaos so I know what I did at the end of the day!
Yesterday was an adventure again! Every day there is at least 10 things but they all happened in such a time crunch I wanted to make sure I got them all down.
School as usual meant got up by 6:30am (which was half an hour late) after going to bed at midnight from looking over budget and bills with Wes, took kids to Brinton at 7:30am, took Brennen his homework at 7:45am, grabbed breakfast and showered before I took Josh and carpool kids to Smith Jr. High at 8:30am. Got home around 9:10am. Did my hair and threw in laundry. Then I got Ben dressed - PullUp today he insisted, Cleared table, finished dishes and started dishwasher, called Dr. for Brennen appointment because his chest hurt when he coughed, sent Thank You email to district and school for Jarom's Miracle aid. Ben and I did 6 puzzles and played a bit. Then I got lunch for Ben and I (leftover sweet pork, yummy), cleaned up lunch and did some laundry. He fell asleep a little early so he woke up at 1:30pm so we had time to run to the Post Office. While he was asleep I jumped on computer for a bit to catch up and finish Family Service Chart and Dishes Chart. Ben was still in his Batman costume from his nap. He woke up with the tie a little too tight around his neck and scared me. I of course had him take it off before nap but he had put it back on... From the Post Office we went to the school to get Jarom at 2:15pm but he wanted to stay for Fun and Fitness so we ran home and had only about 30 minutes before we had to be back a the school to get Brookly and Brennen from Science Club. We were there right before 3pm to get tehm and sent Brookly to Fun and Fitness (an afterschool program on Tuesdays every other week where Parks and Rec does fun stuff with them for a few hours for free) and hurried Brennen to the Dr. We waited a while and Brennen was diagnosed with walking pneumonia. He seems to get this every year. Brennen and Ben were able to get their H1N1 shot. He was upset he couldn't go back and play football for Fun and Fitness. As I was checking out I realized it was 4:24pm and I was supposed to take Dallin dinner before the evening Marching Band rehearsal - I hadn't picked him up because of Brennen's appt. I was supposed to make appt. for all the other kids to get H1N1 vaccine but didn't have time. Made Brookly's well check for next morning to get hers (they won't give shot unless had well check and some of mine already had but not Brookly) and ran out door. Went home to drop off Brennen and Josh was already home and wondered where we were when locked out. Grabbed dinner for Dallin and went to pick up kids from Fun and Fitness which I thought ended at 4:30pm (luckily not until 5:30pm.) Then took Dallin dinner with upset kids who didn't want to go clear to Dallin's school. Then turned in Rx for Brennen's Zithromax and went home to make dinner for the crew. Took Brookly to Achievement Days at 6pm and picked up Brennen's Rx. Saw an email that said polls closed at 8pm so I went after I picked up Brookly at 7pm and they were already closed here. I felt guilty since it was a school override that we need so bad. I brought the kids together, did scripture (2 verses since they weren't cooperating) and prayer and started bed routine. By 9pm after tears and homework help and song most were in bed. Dallin wasn't home yet and Josh was reading in room. Dallin got home around 9:40pm and fell asleep reading for Seminary. I began a book and was awake when Wes got home at 11:30pm. Another long day and I'm sure I missed a few details. :) Wow, no wonder I'm exhausted!

Today was Brookly's appt and shot and Brennen home sick and my piano students quit after a frustrating last few months. Sad to see them go. I still have one student though. Tonight is the big Court of Honor for all my Boy Scouts and it's Brennen's first. We'll let him go since his antibiotic should kick in after the 24 hours and he really feels pretty good. His cough sounds yucky but still no fever. I did sew on 9 more Merit Badges for Dallin just a little while ago. Gotta figure out dinner and what I'm doing tonight. Signing off!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blessings are Abundant!

Just wanted to say that we are so blessed! I have been feeling rather selfish lately as "I look at others with their lands and gold" and felt I needed to count my blessings to remember all I've been given.
1. The gospel that reminds me why it's all worth it
2. My sweet husband who strives with me to be worthy of our temple covenants and blessings
3. 6 amazing, incredible, talented, beautiful children who love me
4. A job that supports our family in these tough times
5. Wonderful family on both sides who love us and care about us
6. Friends who encircle me and lift me
7. A house big enough for our hooligans
8. A car big enough for our whole family to ride together places
9. Health to care for my little ones
10. Ability to read all I ever have time for and wealth of books to choose from
11. Beautiful music whether from my family or favorite CD's
So I couldn't stop at 10 and if I got into details I'd be here all day. I just needed a moment to reflect and remember. Thanks for letting me share!

Loathing Loads of Laundry

Mom, Where is my_____?
INSERT: PE clothes, Band shirt, Sunday pants, socks, favorite shirt or jammies...let alone a match to Ben's socks.
This is the phrase I hear every day and if you see the tons of laundry that is produced by our large family you will see why it's not always neatly folded in their drawers!
When the table looks like this, it's about 5-6 loads and there are still 5-6 to go without counting the extra towels or doing sheets and pillowcases. There are also loads in the washer and dryer currently. I did 2 loads yesterday (Monday) and this is only the weekend amount of clothing. So in about 4 days we go through 12-14 loads of laundry without doing beds or finishing towels. Just the towels on the floor fit in those loads.
See why I'm not anxious to pottytrain and have more wet stinky clothes?
There are plenty with 5 sweaty boys and Brookly!
Now, this is only going to get worse as Winter comes and the clothes are bigger with all the jeans and long sleeve shirts, let alone as they grow and need bigger clothes that take up more room altogether!
I don't mind washing, it's the folding and putting away that I can't stand!
Our table will look like this until they fold their own and do their service for the family by doing usually about 50 things and putting away more than just their own piles.
They won't eat tonight until this is clear and that won't be the end of the piles to come... :)

Thanks Lynnette for the idea of documenting the laundry at our home!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dallin is Officially Taller Than Mom!!

Oct. 4th, 2009

OK, last night we measured and Dallin is officially a fraction taller than me now. Maybe the spiritual growth of Conference this weekend helped him to surpass me:) This is happening so fast! Look at the pictures from January at the wedding and he's still much shorter than me. This is only Oct. 5th! He thinks he can push me around now that he's bigger but we'll see about that!

Brennen's Arrow of Light Ceremony

What an awesome ceremony! And to think it almost didn't happen when the Order of Arrow didn't show up. Brother Fish knew these members of another branch of the OA and they came after another ceremony so we were able to have the ceremony that night still. We are so grateful to them! Awesome Arrow!

Dallin is so Proud of his little brother! Josh actually had mutual somewhere else since this was so late in the evening so we missed him.
Cool skull!
The rest of the family that got to come!
Sept. 30, 2009
The top award of Cub Scouts is this Arrow of Light and so far all our boys have earned it! We are so proud of you Brennen! We were so happy Wes was home and that Grandma and Grandpa

were down and got to come! Grandpa had to take Ben out for us:) Thanks! What an amazing achievement! He still has until his birthday to earn compass points! Love you Brennen!

Cowboy Ben

Cutest cowboy in the West!

Darling Ben and his dress up antics! I don't even think Brookly ever dressed up quite as much as he does! He found the boots and hat and so I helped him find the rest and his horse because he wanted to show Grandma and Grandpa his horse. They were down for a few days and stayed with us.

Josh's First Concert of 09-10 School Year

Dallin and Josh "Pass in Review" Concert with stand tunes with older Band members helping surrounding the audience. I love this concert sound!
Tuesday, September 29th
Josh is an excellent drummer and he didn't complain when he got to play the xylophone for this first concert for Smith Jr. High this year. He worked so hard and played it perfect and loud! He practiced a ton! Go Josh! Love you!

Josh's Wall

As always Josh has come up with another wonderful creation from Legos!

This wall was the product of he and Brennen's hours of work and look at all the details of people doing things! Love you Josh and all your creativity!

End of Sept. 2009

Student of the Month Jarom

Here we are with our amazing Jarom! What a cutie!

We were so glad that Wes was not in CA for this!
Wow! The first month of the school year and Jarom was chosen as Student of the Month! His teacher, Ms. James, said, "Jarom comes into our classroom every day ready to learn. He is always listening, participating and following directions. He enjoys sharing his knowledge and helping his classmates. He is a joy to have in class!" What a sweet boy! I love you my Jar!

Ben's Batcave

Oh, this cute boy has done it again! My dear friend Jennifer saved us for Halloween and happened to have Spiderman and Batman and SnowWhite costumes! Ben can't get enough and today he was Batman and this is his batcave in our pantry. He tells us to stay out of his batcave and then invites us in to his batcar and tells us to Buckle Up! Such a cute boy!!
Sept 2009

Brennen's New Trumpet

Wow!So shiny!
Even Dallin is a little jealous at this beautiful instrument.
He wants to hold out for a silver one though.

Well Brennen lucked out! Since his birthday is coming soon and his Band instructor says his trumpet isn't suitable to play we had to get him a new one or rent one so he was thrilled to see this come early for his birthday! It's beautiful and Brennen is doing great! Live your dreams Brennen and be all you want to be!

Slip N Slide Early September

Ben, Brennen and Brookly brave the rocks for the slip n slide.
What would summer be without a Slip n Slide? Our rocks were not the best for this scenario! I guess that's why we're working so hard to get some grass back there! Grammy sent this one for all the kids in the Dallin Birthday Box!
Still lots of fun for all!

August Pack Meeting

Brennen in a game of Who Wants to be a Webelos with Brother Tyler Hyer, the Cubmaster. Awesome balloons at the end of the game.

Here we are with Brennen getting his awards.

Brennen is earning far more of the extra Webelos Activity badges than his brothers did. He works on it on his own and asks for help more. He has earned his Webelos and Compass Points and his Arrow of Light. That ceremony will be in Sept. Go Brennen!

Labor Day September 2009

Sweet Boys! Andrew and Brennen
Those video boys! Andrew, Brennen, Jarom and Jordan
We ended up at Greg and Lynnette's to play and had a great time!
Wish they lived even an hour closer though!
Brookly and Elise
Jacob and Kelcie came to help out with our yard work!
Go Brennen!
Daddy's Big Helper
Where are all Dad's tools?
Wes loves to work outside to beautify our yard and I'm so grateful!
I do wish we had more time like this...we'd have an incredible refuge out back.

For Labor Day we had Wes home for the day! So rare these days so we worked hard all morning before we went to play at Greg and Lynnette's for a BBQ. We dug holes for trees and started to clear the jungle in our backyard. Fun to work together but still so HOT here!

New Violin and Black Eye

Brookly has decided to try violin this year and she loves it! She is getting lessons by phone from her Aunt Adrian and hope to be as good as her someday!
She got this black eye from Ben's elbow on Greg's trampoline when we visited in September.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ben's Spiderman Backpack

Ben and his new backpack

Oh, Ben has this obsession with Spider man anything! He told us Sun. that he wants Spiderman scriptures! He is so funny and cute! This is his new Spiderman backpack from Grammy and Grampy!

I'm a NERD

Aug, 2009
Brookly and I went for Nerd Day at Achievement Days and she won "Best Dressed Nerd." It's so fun to do crazy things with my girl. She would have won more relay races if Dad had been here instead of CA but we managed quite well.:)
Love you my girl!

Dallin is 15!

Like Father, Like Son!
What a great son! I won't be taller much longer:)

Sweet Ben with Dallin on his birthday

August 28th, 2009 did bring lots of fun things. What do you do when the main gift he wanted was a hunting license? We did also take him to dinner at Serranos with us and bring donuts to Seminary.

Dallin and Jarom in CA in summer of 2005. Legoland-what a sweet smile Dallin!

My little ham even when small!

You are so much like your Uncle Jeff:)

Dallin in a sweet moment with Aunt Julie.

OK, for his actual birthday he was doing what he loves by being at his first Marching Band performance for the football game so we didn't see him AT ALL that day! Wow! How time has flown by with this teenager of mine! I can't believe he is 15! Really, 15! I don't feel older and yet I see him growing and learning so quickly I am amazed! I'm not sure where to start! Dallin is such an incredible child! He has been a blessing from the time we first found out I was pregnant, after a heartbreaking 1st pregnancy resulted in miscarriage, and it took another 2 years for that test to say positive! We knew he was our precious miracle baby and definitely spoiled him accordingly. Now he would tell you that the baby in our family (Ben) is always spoiled and yet we feel Dallin is just as cute now as he was then! We lived in our little apartment at 38 N Santa Barbara #2 and he loved our walks across Broadway to a bigger complex that had huge koi to watch. I babysat and he played inside because our yard was literally only 6 feet around our building. So he has adapted well since he was born!

This has been a blessing because we have always felt we wanted the best schools for our children and Dallin has attended Superstition Mtn. Elem, Eagles Aerie Charter School, Legacy Charter School, Superstition Mtn again for 3-5th Grade, Desert Shadown for a horrible 9 weeks of 6th grade, Brinton Elem. for the remainder of 6th, Smith Jr High and now Skyline High. I can truly say he had the best teachers ever and we feel he was well educated in each experience.

He has always been an Honors student and was 5th Grade Student of the Year! He went on to excell in National Jr. Honor Society and is continually doing his Service Learning hours for scholarships.
Dallin has always loved the trumpet and playing has come naturally. So naturally, that he didn't practice much in Jr. High and was almost always the 1st chair. He practices every day now that he's in Marching Band and has loved this experience. I have watched him grow in ways I don't think he would have if he didn't have the discipline to get himself up every morning at 5am and leave by 6am when I am still in bed. He wakes me as he leaves. He excells at trumpet!
Dallin enjoys Scouts and is a Life Scout with goal of Eagle and we are proud of all he has accomplished there as well!

OK so I'm going to try to narrow down the 15 things I love most about Dallin:

1. His energy for life!
2. His love of family.
3. He is an amazing trumpeter!
4. His humor in every situation.
5. His joy in being good.
6. His flexibility.
7. His faith in Heavenly Father as his testimony grows.
8. His love of reading!
9. His strength to lean on when Wes is gone.
10. His sensitivity to siblings.
11. He cleans toilets!
12. He loves hunting and fishing.
13. He is outgoing.
14. He keeps trying.
15. He helps me with electronic gadgets.

My eldest son, you are amazing! I love you and feel honored to be your Mom. I know you feel like we endlessly bug you about texting, studying, and getting to bed sooner but we love you and want what's best for you! Thank you for your goodness and example to your younger brothers and sister. Thank you for your desire to go on a mission and provide for your future family. Thank you for the light you bring to our home. Hang in there! I know it's tough to be a teenager and in just a few months you'll begin a whole new adventure in driving and soon after dating. It truly was yesterday I held you in my arms all night for those earaches. In a blink you have become such a wonderful young man. I love your kind heart and hope you live up to all of your dreams! I wish you the best year ever for this 15th! Happy Birthday Dallin!
Love, Mom