Monday, September 22, 2008

The Real Cast

Monday, September 15th, 2008
Brennen's glow in the dark cast! A hard cast now for 3 weeks!
Brennen was not too happy!
Mr. Me Too for pictures - spaghetti Ben!
Today we went to the Orthopaedic Surgeon for Brennen's wrist. Sure enough it is broken and it is in a delicate but common place. The right bone of his right wrist is broken. If he is too rough and the other bone next to it breaks he will need surgery and pins to hold it together. The Dr. told him no recess, PE, playing outside, scooters, trampolines, etc. Brennen was dying! He kept saying he would be so bored! The Dr. said that he can only do 3 things for the next 3 weeks: Hold a glass of milk, do homework and play video games. This still didn't thrill Brennen even with the video games. I have to type Brennen's homework and his little thumb was rubbed raw after only a few hours. We eventually put some wax stuff over the rough spot.
On Oct. 8th we'll go back to take it off and if it has healed enough he won't have to have a cast anymore. This is right before his birthday and our trip to Pinetop. He's excited about that! I'm nervous that he'll reinjure the delicate bone that weekend!

1 comment:

joni said...

I am glad it is only for 3 weeks and not 6 weeks! He seems to be handling it well!