Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mom's work is never done but our taxes are:)

I took the last 2 days to work on our taxes and except for a few bugs from 2008 to figure out we are done! Thanks to our children and the wonderful credit they give us we actually get a refund and this is an incredible blessing! Our children are blessings in so many ways!
so... now to my favorite journaling and blogging. I don't even know if I should try to catch up at this point but I don't want to just leave 2 months out so I'll start with the now and work back so I don't miss the today events.
We are in February and I wanted to write a few things that the kids are doing lately.

Dallin is taller every day and we just had to buy new shoes and Sunday pants again. He says he'll make due with the highwater Levi's for now until he can wear shorts again in a month or so.

Josh got his new drumset and he is quite good! He composes and plays as long as we'll let him from what he hears in his head. I hope he gets to use all this talent for something great!

Brennen went to his first track meet today for Skyline Future Coyotes and is like lightning on the field! He took 1st in the 100m and right after he ran with the 4th-6th graders the mile. They started the 6th graders first and he was behind a group of about 20 boys who didn't go when the gun sounded until they said "Everyone go!". He couldn't get past them to start and he still advanced to come in 3rd for the 5th graders in that mile! WOW! Imagine if he ever gets to start on the first row out! In the PF Chang's Fun Run mile a few weeks ago he started in the 5th group and came in 7th overall for 5th graders in Phoenix area. He loves this and we love to watch!

Brookly just won the Brinton Elementary School Spelling Bee as a 4th grader! Against 4th-6th! She went to the Mesa District Bee and was so surprised to get through the first round and then fall in the intermediate to the word rutabaga. At the time, none of us could spell it or even think of what it was! Other words in the same round were patience and luau. Since Brinton didn't give trophies we got her one on our own! What an amazing girl we have!

Jarom is full of adventure and is such an avid reader! He comes home on Monday with his homework packet and finishes all of it so he can play all week. He loves Scouts and is newly baptized (definitely a whole separate entry needed). He is starting his Pinewood Derby car for the Derby on the 17th. We found out today - the 2nd.

Ben is still not potty trained although he wanted to wear underwear today and I let him. He pottied at the track meet and luckily I had stuck extra pants and PullUps in the diaper bag. Thanks to Dallin for changing him so I didn't have to miss Brennen run. I loved the support of all the kids there for Brennen to cheer him on. Wes has schoolwork for his Master's on Tuesday's and has to stay late at work and was sad to miss this. Only another year or so and he'll be done:)

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