Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dallin in Uniform!

September 25th
Dallin's Skyline Marching Band Uniform!
Believe it or not, the jacket alone is $400.00 to replace if anything happens to it.
Dallin looked so handsome in his full uniform for the first time this season. We are so proud of all the hard work and time Dallin puts in. He gets himself up at 5am every morning and is at Band on Tuesday nights until 9:15pm. It's gruelling, but so rewarding! Dallin takes after Wes in this love of trumpet and he definitely has a gift for playing. He's on first trumpet in each band he plays in.


The Gag-nears said...

ra ra ra ra ra GOOOO DAllin! He looks great! So grown up! I was in marching band too, but our uniforms were not near as nice as that! Looks like fun and you tell him we are so proud of him too. I haven't seen 5am in years!!

Lynnette said...

Brings back so many memories of those days in marching band! I miss it sometimes! I hope he is having lots of fun!