Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jar's Antics

OK, you would think that we had this school thing down now but...here's Jarom who comes home yesterday and asks me to sign his progress report. Ms. Calise says he loves to participate and he has excellent behavior but he didn't finish his homework. I look in the folder and realize that he didn't do any homework last week. Other than Monday, he didn't pull out his packets when the other kids were working on theirs and I didn't realize he had any more homework. He remembered that he was supposed to read 2 books and do some worksheets on Sat. when we were in Tucson and he had left his folder at school. So, last night he worked over 2 hours and he made the comment that he wanted to play. I told him he could when his homework was done and he said "Yeah, I'd have more time to play if I did this every night". He is so funny! I think now that I know what's up this won't happen again. I did tell the teacher I couldn't promise this will never happen again because with our 6 kids plethera of crisis you never know. We'll see how curriculum night goes tonight.:)


Melissa said...

Sounds like you are busy, as always! I don't know how you do it! ;)

The Gag-nears said...

oh my heck, I miss looking at your blog for like a week and all of a sudden I am way behind in all of the goods sister! I don't know how you do it all. I actually started crying about half-way through your long post a week ago about the details of your day. HOLY COW girl. And I thought I was busy. Life is a dance and you know all the moves! Thanks for the sweet b-day card - I cannot believe that you remembered to put a letter in the mail to me admist all your chaos. Some big blessings are headed your way - I know it! You deserve them. Your life reminds me of that song "let them be little" because some day you will hate taking naps that you now long for because you will be bored. Love you sis. Can we do anything to help Dallin raise that money?