Thursday, May 26, 2011

Small Miracles

Today we've had a couple of small miracles that I wanted to record.  We've been praying that
Wes could get out of Alaska today with the fog so thick that planes can't land.  this morning at 8:15am we got a text from Wes that the skies didn't look too promising for flight today.  On the way to take Josh to school, as we left for carpool at 8:38am we stopped and said a specific prayer that the skies would be open enough for him to get out and make it home today.  2 minutes later when we pulled up to get the girl we give a ride to, we got a text from Wes that the plane was able to land and that if all went well he'd be on the return flight out soon.  We said a quick thank you prayer.  There were a couple of wonderful things about this...yes that Wes would be home today, but the smile that came across Josh's face when we read the text and he knew our prayer had been answered was priceless.  Small moments.  Simple prayer.  Precious memory.
Another blessing today was a moment of quiet to sit and read while Ben and Jocie were in the sandbox and Harrison was asleep.  I'm reading Hilary Weeks "Bedtime and Naptime" and I absolutely love it!  It's her stories that she shares at Women's Conference, her amazing recipes, (love the cheese ball and creamcheese chicken) and funny quips and quotes that inspire.  It was nice to ponder the joy of my children before the storm of them all home at 2:15pm today for the summer:)

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