Today we've had a couple of small miracles that I wanted to record. We've been praying that
Wes could get out of Alaska today with the fog so thick that planes can't land. this morning at 8:15am we got a text from Wes that the skies didn't look too promising for flight today. On the way to take Josh to school, as we left for carpool at 8:38am we stopped and said a specific prayer that the skies would be open enough for him to get out and make it home today. 2 minutes later when we pulled up to get the girl we give a ride to, we got a text from Wes that the plane was able to land and that if all went well he'd be on the return flight out soon. We said a quick thank you prayer. There were a couple of wonderful things about this...yes that Wes would be home today, but the smile that came across Josh's face when we read the text and he knew our prayer had been answered was priceless. Small moments. Simple prayer. Precious memory.
Another blessing today was a moment of quiet to sit and read while Ben and Jocie were in the sandbox and Harrison was asleep. I'm reading Hilary Weeks "Bedtime and Naptime" and I absolutely love it! It's her stories that she shares at Women's Conference, her amazing recipes, (love the cheese ball and creamcheese chicken) and funny quips and quotes that inspire. It was nice to ponder the joy of my children before the storm of them all home at 2:15pm today for the summer:)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Last week of school!!
In the meantime we had a Little League Championship game for Jarom. While his team took 2nd place we felt he was a winner because of his determination and cheerful attitude throughout the season. He was a great encourager and he enjoyed playing. The kids and I went Tues. night to watch him and the other team literally had about a hundred people there to cheer and they were all in their red shirts. I had on my Gardner Fightin Irish shirt:) The other team, Red Raiders, had been having 4 hours of practice at a time as compared to our Fightin Irish practices of 1 1/2 hours. Jarom learned some good basic skills and we'll see if he wants to continue next year. He was so fun to watch out there with his ready stance and he caught a few great pop flys in outfield.
Jarom's LLtrophy
Tired and windblown we had fun supporting our Jarom!
Ben really didn't want a picture and was tired and ready to go to bed.
Jarom's awards from class. Mrs. Hall had a difficult time choosing which one to give Jarom since she said he could have had at least 12 different awards. The paper on the right is a list of the nice things people in his class said about him and the award is for being a Bookworm and reading 158,527 words this year. He was in ELP which is the accelerated learning program for Mesa schools and he had a great year being the top of his class in almost every subject.
In all the excitement, on Tues night Jarom also pulled out his own tooth so the toothfairy had to visit. It's the bottom right looking at this picture but hard to see.
Today was an emotional day for me. It is the official last day of Ben and I home alone. I began to analyze the time we spent this year and felt guilty for all the things we didn't do and then I remembered the blessing that Preschool twice a week and extra fieldtrips together was for us. Amidst the hours of Netflix for Ben and the hundreds of appointments he was drug along to, was the fun and learning that I had hoped could happen together this year. We had so many fun memories together and lots of pictures to prove it.
So today I asked Ben what he wanted to do after we went to Walmart for Josh new shoes and the promised doughnut for Ben for breakfast since he woke up late and was soaked and needed a quick bath before carpool so no time for breakfast... come on, admit you've been there too. So he told me he wanted to go to the park. We went to the park and after an hour in the sun and getting a bit sunburned I suggested we end at McDonald's for lunch. We went to McDonald's and he got his Happy Meal and played for a while as I actually fell asleep in the stall. He loved it! While at the swings I told him I would really miss him next year. He quickly said, "You're going to have fun by yourself." I asked him what I was going to do and he said I could do puzzles. Funny boy! I'll do puzzles in his classroom helping I'm sure. I do have a ToDo list that outnumbers days in a year but I may just take some much needed naps and catch up on scrapbooking, blogging,etc for a while. We have a long summer of all of them home so we'll see what happens. Tomorrow is the golden last day! I will have my friend's kids to babysit so today was my last alone day with Ben. I've been babysitting her 2 kids during the week for the last month to help her until her babysitter get out of school. Boy do I realize how free I am without such a little one anymore. What a difference between my "baby" Ben and this 2 year old! I realize how big he is and how fast they grow.
Along with the emotions of losing my baby to Kindergarten came the news that our neighbor's son passed away. Pete Bonnett. He was 25. Her 9 year old who's a dear friend of Jarom's found his brother Sunday morning and thought he was asleep. Wow. It made me hug each child a little tighter and remember why it's all worth it.
We also got a wedding announcement today for my cousin.
And news that our dear friend and neighbor Leah Pittman has sold her house and will be moving in 2 weeks. She has become an adopted Grandma since her husband passed away and we frequently have her to dinner and part of our family events and love her.
Also got a call from Mom Sheppard that one of the family reunion days in July we have to be seen in a that's motivation to get back on the diet:)
So there's always a lot going on in the adventures of the Gardner household. Many more things happen in a day but I'm the alarm clock for tomorrow and I've got to get to bed after falling asleep in public today. That's another thing I've got to get checked out. Wes has a CPAP machine now and seems to be adjusting to better sleep but mine is getting worse and our sweet Jarom having nightmares and coming in every night around 3am to sleep in our room makes it difficult to rest well. Ben and Brookly are in my bed tonight to start with Wes gone and Jarom will come in later I'm sure. I just am too light of a sleeper.
I did take a peek at some summer reading I'd like to do. The 3rd of the Hourglass Door series is coming out and I'd like to start Beyonders and Fablehaven and several of my new spiritual books.:) I love the library to get these!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Wes travel and Brooky Math
I wanted to just write down a few other things happening.While I was at the talent show on Friday morning I got an urgent text from Wes saying he had to let the guys at work know by noon if he could travel for most of June. He'll be gone this week Mon-Thurs in Alaska with his final long Alaska trip yet to come. Now he'll have to turn around and be gone most of June to help support the launch in Virginia. Not as far away but more time away is always difficult. Interesting how we are blessed that it is not on our Anniversary weekend in June and he should be home before the Sheppard Family Reunion in July. Little miracles all the time. I will definitely need the strength promised in my blessing from Dad.
Brookly tested into 7th grade Pre-Algebra. She is the only one as a 5th grader this year to test so high and be chosen to go to the Jr. High to take it as a 6th grader next year. She was then recommended by her teacher and Principal to the Jr. High for this course. We'd have to transport her to the Jr. High and back each day. We were excited about this and talked with her about it and what she'd like to do and had pretty much decided it would be a good thing until we read the parent letter. This is basically 2 years ahead of other students in her grade. Our other boys took the advanced Math that put them a year ahead and we know the struggles that gave Dallin by his Senior year. Oh, she meets all the requirements and such for the accelerated program but the require you to make a commitment for 6 years of study in advanced Math and through the rest of the requirements we read that she may have to be transported to college and possilby pay tuition for her Senior Math for BC Calculus as it is not presently offered in all the high schools. Well, she does want to be a pediatrician but this was outrageous! We thought it would help her develop her other talents of Orchestra and Choir by freeing up an elective later in High School since we require Seminary, but instead it requires intense Math study all through. Not quite what we thought for her. So we declined the offer and now we keep getting teachers and Principal Secretary and others who are congratulating her and tryinbg to work it out for her but we really don't want to do it. She wants to enjoy her High School years and already with so many required classes and Seminary a no credit elective it's hard to fit in paying for an A Hour to graduate. Crazy!! She has so many gifts it's hard to help her balance and figure out what she really wants when she's in 5th grade! So... we just wanted to share our brag with you because that's what family is for right, that she was chosen, but she's not going to do it:) It's hard to get excited with anyone else who didn't get this chance:)
Brookly tested into 7th grade Pre-Algebra. She is the only one as a 5th grader this year to test so high and be chosen to go to the Jr. High to take it as a 6th grader next year. She was then recommended by her teacher and Principal to the Jr. High for this course. We'd have to transport her to the Jr. High and back each day. We were excited about this and talked with her about it and what she'd like to do and had pretty much decided it would be a good thing until we read the parent letter. This is basically 2 years ahead of other students in her grade. Our other boys took the advanced Math that put them a year ahead and we know the struggles that gave Dallin by his Senior year. Oh, she meets all the requirements and such for the accelerated program but the require you to make a commitment for 6 years of study in advanced Math and through the rest of the requirements we read that she may have to be transported to college and possilby pay tuition for her Senior Math for BC Calculus as it is not presently offered in all the high schools. Well, she does want to be a pediatrician but this was outrageous! We thought it would help her develop her other talents of Orchestra and Choir by freeing up an elective later in High School since we require Seminary, but instead it requires intense Math study all through. Not quite what we thought for her. So we declined the offer and now we keep getting teachers and Principal Secretary and others who are congratulating her and tryinbg to work it out for her but we really don't want to do it. She wants to enjoy her High School years and already with so many required classes and Seminary a no credit elective it's hard to fit in paying for an A Hour to graduate. Crazy!! She has so many gifts it's hard to help her balance and figure out what she really wants when she's in 5th grade! So... we just wanted to share our brag with you because that's what family is for right, that she was chosen, but she's not going to do it:) It's hard to get excited with anyone else who didn't get this chance:)
Here's part of who went...
This is Wes and our boys but Grandpa Gardner met them up there
and Wes also took up Bro Hudson and his 2 boys as a service.
Wes said it is just too stressful and busy to get lots of pictures there so I'm grateful for these:)
Always an adventure: they had a tire go flat on the way up from a sharp rock and it took them a lot longer to get there than planned. Grandpa always comes stocked with lots of yummy food to take care of them though. Chicken fried steak, potato chips, homemade bean dip, rootbeer, milk, his homemade hot cocoa...always too much fun with Grandpa.
The machine gun stick Brennen enjoyed.
Dallin pondering the meaning of life
Josh in the wash
While the boys are away the girls will play and we usually have Girls Night Out on this Friday that they are gone. This year Brookly had a birthday party she felt she needed to be at to support her friend so I wandered Hobby Lobby alone until they kicked me out at 8. Then I grabbed Wendy's and watched Cosby Show until time to get Brooky.
We made Saturday our Girls Day however. We went shopping with her birthday money and she got darling clothes at Kohls and a fun jewelry making kit and game at Walmart. We hit Bahama Bucks for a Strawbery Daquiri Cream shaved ice and topped it off with a date with Wes that evening at Golden Canyon, our favorite Chinese restaurant with famous hot and sour soup and delicious Lemon chicken and Mongolian beef. We grabbed Brookly's free Coldstone on the way home. We shopped til we dropped:) What a fun birthday week for Brookly!
Talent Show
Friday brought the talent show at Brinton. First Brookly did a dance with her class of the Macarena.
Then she sang "Reflection" from Mulan.
Ben was not thrilled about how long the talent show was since he was so tired but he was sure proud of his sister! Brookly looked and sounded like an angel up there. I love you Brookly!
2 Graduations, Playoff Game, GoKart, Physics project and Costume
Ben and Brennen both graduated on Thursday the 19th.
Ben from Preschool and Brennen from 6th Grade and Brinton Elementary.
They were so cute together!
Brennen received his promotion certificate, the Gold Presidential Education Award with the letter from President Obama for exceeding in at least 2 Aims tests and keeping high GPA.
The most awesome surprise was that Brennen also won the Science Fair!!
It was announced at graduation and that's the trophy he's holding in his hand.
We were so proud of him!! He decided to make an electric motor while Wes was in Alaska and knew he'd have to wait for help until Wes got home. It was worth the wait and the struggle of it not working the first attempt or second but finally on the third. I love you Brennen!!
Here we are with Brennen! So wonderful that Wes was home this week and able to attend so many of these events. He went into the kids classrooms for presentations with Brennen this week and Jarom and Brookly last week. Jarom was sick with strep on Friday and had to miss the presentation with his Dad. Wes had to make up many hours for all this support of our children the last 2 weeks:)
At the same time as graduation for Brennen, Jarom had a playoff game for Little League. We stayed at the game for about an hour before we had to leave for graduation and Dallin and Josh and the rest of the kids watched Jarom finish the game.
Jarom's team, the Fightin Irish, won and will play for the Championship on Tuesday night!!
Go Jarom! We love you!
It's been so fun to watch him learn and grow in baseball.
He's definitely the enthusiastic one in outfield:)
After Graduation the night was still young. Dallin took Josh to get his GoKart he bought from a friend in our Stake. Josh had to earn the $200 himself. He is very excited to get the new sprocket it needs to get it running!
Dallin was up late on this night doing a Physics project of making a rocket that would be propelled with water.
The Pena's also came over for help from me for a costume for a Ranger's Apprentice for Caillou. We worked on it for a while and it turned out great!
The kids were all up late and were sure tired the next day!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Gardner Family Picture
Duane and Jeannette Gardner Family
Mom and Dad Gardner
Just before Easter this year our dear Grandma Gurney passed away. She was amazing lady who inspired us with her dedication to temple service and family. She was loved by so many and we miss her. This gave the opportunity to celebrate her life and have all the family together. These are the pictures we took at the luncheon.
Update on Wes's Graduation not happening July 31st
In the middle of all the excitement around here, yesterday we got some bad news...
Wes's graduation day already happened without him!
Here we had anxiously awaited this day for 2 years and were so proud of him and couldn't wait to yell for him as he crossed the stage, but it was stolen from us.
In March when Wes was in his final class he emailed his advisor to ask about graduation, cap and gown, dates, what he needed to do, etc. She didn't get back to him until a week later and just said that more info was forthcoming. She also mentioned that she thought she'd already responded to him BUT she hadn't!!
After no response for a while Wes called her in April to find out what was happening. Again it took a week for any response and her lengthy voicemail contained no real information. She again thought she'd contacted him and said she'd get him the info.
Nothing happened and then we got a letter from Ottowa dated May 2nd, saying that they had audited his record and that he has met the requirements for Masters of Business Administration degree. It said his degree will be oficially conferred on July 31, 2011.
It also said that in order to participate in commencement ceremonies his financial obligations must have been met. (Which they were so we didn't think too much of this.) It gave a different lady as a contact for ceremonies in AZ. When Wes contacted her it took her 3 days to get back to him and she gave him a link to graduation. It said that it was already over for this year!!
It said he could walk in May 2012. Where was the communication from the advisor? Somewhere buried deep in the website it says that you must sign up for graduation 90 days prior to the ceremonies. Why didn't the advisor help him with that info back in March??? We are so frustrated!
I guess in the end it really doesn't change all the hard work, sweat and tears (both his and mine) that went into getting this degree and we are so glad it's done!
I'm so proud of my sweetheart and all the time and work and sacrifice that went into his Masters!
Wes has officially completed his MBA from Ottowa!
I love you Wes!
You amaze me!
Ben's Preschool Graduation
Ben and I at Easter hunt for Preschool
Ben with Mrs. TiffanyBen was so cute doing the Snowman song and loved the "Word" part!
So glad our video camera worked for this!
The whole class with Mrs. Nicole:)
Natalie, Ben, Lacey, Molly, Londyn, Gage, Skylar and Tessa in back by me
Cutest Graduate ever!!

I loved getting to help in Ben's Preschool this year to watch him learn and grow!
Ben adored his trophy and wanted many pictures of it!!
What a fun experience it was to share this year of Great Beginnings Preschool with Ben!
We were blessed to find Tiffany Doucet at the right time and for the right price with me helping in the classroom. Ben learned to cut, paste, say ABC's, say the Pledge of Allegiance, days of the week, months of the year, write his name and each letter by sound and recongnition as well as written. Most important he learned to share and take turns and listen and work independently.
I'm so proud of you Ben! I love you Ben!! You are ready for Kindergarten!
On the last day of school I told Ben, "I've loved being in your class this year Ben." He promptly said, "I'm going to love next year when you are not in my class." Yep, he's ready!
More ready than me I think!
I forgot to mention that the parents of these darling children gave me $20 Hobby Lobby gift card and a huge basket of fun chocolates, cheese, sausage and even smoked salmon.
Josh's Honors-May 18, 2011
Dallin and Brennen were there but had to leave right after Josh got his awards:)
Wow! What an awesome kid!
We are proud of you Josh!!
Josh received an award for: 4.0 GPA for 3 semesters-Presidential Honor Roll,
Presidential Education Award signed and a letter from President Obama,
and Outstanding Achievement in Career Exploration
Go Josh!!!
We love you!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Brag Book- Entry 2 Concerts
Brennen with Ms. Schwartz at Final Band concert
Brennen played a beautiful trumpet solo and even impressed his Dad who has missed a few concerts this last 2 years:)
Dallin in his uniform for his first official job.
He got hired at Golfland Sunsplash for admissions this summer.
Josh's final Band Concert! He did great in his different percussion parts and we enjoyed his solo.Dallin's final Band Concert
Brookly's Orchestra Concert
So the week of May 9th we had a concert every night! Dallin had his Band concert Monday night. Brookly orchestra with a difficult solo on Tuesday, Brennen with a trumpet solo on Wed. Josh with his drum solo on Thurs and then missionaries for dinner and Jarom's Little League game Friday night. Saturday was the big Brookly birthday party and also Stake Conference. Not everyone is pictured who attended these since it is difficult after a concert to keep them together.With so many kids May and December just fill up before we can plan anything else:)
May Brag Book-Entry 1
Brookly's real Birthday- May 17th
A few surprises but mainly clothes:)


At the concert Mrs. Chelpka had Brookly come forward and honored her for being the only one from Brinton who made MYPO (Mesa Young People's Orchestra), the Honor Orchestra for Elementary students, as a 5th grader!
Brookly's new violin
Brookly with Caillou opening the boxes of foam with the new violin


I'm putting down the events that are happening as we end another school year in glory:) I'm so proud of my darling crew and all that they accomplish each year!! What a year this has been!!!
First of all I'd like to congratulate my sweet husband who finished, on April 30th, his last Masters class for his MBA with Ottowa University and will walk on July 31st! He met his goal of straight A's and I'm just bursting with excitement! It has been 2 years of missing children's events and taking a laptop to do homework wherever in the world his company sends him and sacrificing much needed sleep and it is all worth it!! I'm so proud of the example he has set for our children in determination and finishing what you start! It has been a very tough road with so many demands on his time and energy and many times he thought of reconsidering the choice to do this at this time, but we made it!! Wes, you are an inspiration to me and I love you dearly!
With May comes Brookly's 11th birthday and boy was it a fun one!! It started a little early with a huge surprise from the Pena's of a new violin! How do you even begin to thank such love shown? We are truly blessed with these dear friends and hope to always keep them a part of our lives.
Brookly wanted a friend party this year and since she hasn't had a party since she turned 8 we agreed. She invited every little girl she thought might feel bad if not invited and 14 showed up at our house Sat. the 14th for a fun afternoon of NO BOYS ALLOWED! I was a little overwhelmed with the noise that so many girls can make and I thought our boys were loud:)
We made pizza from english muffins and flipflops from fabric strips that I cut all week, watched Tangled, did nails and the girls played spontaneous telephone, chicken, and fall on the couch games. Crazy fun!! Our neighbor Leah Pittman, who is a dear friend, came to help for a while and we wore her out! Oh what fun it was to watch my sweet daughter with so many good friends having a great time! Brookly got lots of clothes and $ for more clothes. She is truly growing up!
My Sweet Brookly
for her 11th Birthday
Kind, compassionate and full of grace
Truthful, talented and full of light
How blessed we are to watch you grow
Such beauty rarely is shown
For inside and out your love radiates
From the violin spins notes melodious
Only more beautiful is your angelic voice
The piano keys dance under your fingers
Your brilliant mind thrives in academic excellence
So many gifts you have and share
Your tenderness for those younger than you
Your love of home and family
Wanting to make a difference
Your possibilities are endless
Aim high, dream huge
We will watch you succeed
With Love,
Brookly My Sweet Girl,You are such a light in our home. Your energy and love radiate to all around you. You are truly happy for you are making good choices and it shows. You look for ways to help others and are sensitive to how others feel. You are amazing! You have been blessed with incredible music talents and I hope you continue to grow and develop them. You have an angelic voice that moves people to tears when they hear you sing. You have a wonderful gift of violin and piano that have blossomed with the help of Aunt Adrian and Skype lessons. This year you made the Honor orchestra for all of Mesa District as a 5th grader and made 13th chair-1st Violins!! You have confidence and grace and your love of music and all things beautiful shines through you. You are becoming such a sweet young woman and are the prized babysitter even though you're too young to go on your own yet. You have gentleness and kindness that just pours out. I pray you continue to prepare yourself to enter the temple and for whatever you dream of doing. You recently told me you'd like to be a pediatrician and you'd be excellent! What a blessing that knowledge will be to your family like your Aunt Julie. Look to the goodness in the examples of the women in your life. You are growing up so fast it's hard for me to think of letting you go out into the world. You are strong and have courage in your faith and I know you'll be blessed. You stay humble about your talents and continue to work hard. That's what makes a winner. I love you and am so proud of all you are doing! Love, Mom
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