Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Saturday Spring Break Airshow

By the end, Jarom was pretty dehydrated and we had to do some doctoring. Sweet boy, he tried to hold out. We did have plenty of ice water left and umbrellas. It is only 90 degrees. :) These came from behind right over our heads

Ben stole Brookly's glasses.

Too loud!

Ben loved the planes!

The boys enjoying the show!
I do wish I had a better camera with a better zoom but luckily our eyes compensate the distance and they were MUCH closer in person! Wes and I

Don't touch that missile!

Awesome Airshow! Love the Thunderbirds flybys, formations, stall fly, knife edge, upside down pass, etc. We loved it!

1 comment:

Camie and JD said...

looks like fun and also so warm!!